Craniosacral Therapy
Ana Mafalda Abreu
Relieve the symptoms of stress or tension and enhance your body health
Ana is a professional therapist that works with a lot of patients to help them overcome some difficulties related to chronic muscular pain, stiffness, and stress. This being a gentle and careful therapy, she liked to have a clean, light and elegant design for her business cards and marketing material.
- Business Cards Design
- Logo / Symbol
The Challenge
Elements to consider in the development of the idea/solution
- Clean
- Elegant
- Back pain and Chronic muscular pain
- Focus on the therapies
- Use of a reference easily identifiable
The Concept
It was clear that we had to create an elegant and very light approach based on smooth colors and forms. Since chronic muscular pain treatment is one of the known applications of this science, we have developed a graphical solution around the gentle "S" shape of the spine.
The Result
We ended with a simple and elegant solution, that responds directly to Ana vision's but also shows in a very easy way the main focus of her practice.